How to practice gratitude and celebrate student achievement
Learn the importance of student recognition with tips and best practices to get started today.
How to use digital simulations to enhance learning
Learn how digital simulations can better engage students and enhance learning outcomes through free interactive simulations.
The Three Dimensions of Engagement
Explore the three dimensions of student engagement and how to implement them with your students.
How to Use Digital Learning Portfolios
Check out methods of tracking student projects and celebrating milestones through digital learning protfolios.
Collaboration in the Digital Space
Learn how to drive collaboration with teaching practices that ensure active student engagement and steps to get started.
What’s Lurking in Your Fast Food?
In this lesson, students will learn about the building blocks of life – carbohydrates, lipids and proteins – by conducting a series of chemical tests. They will then conduct research…
Video Game Design
In this lesson, students will learn about the fundamental principles of game design, then learn basic logic and coding concepts before collaborating with peers to storyboard and practice building their…
Sensitive Delivery
In this lesson, students will be presented with a real-world program and apply learned science and engineering concepts and practices to design a package that utilizes self-heating and self-cooling technology.
Scholarship Case Study: Reducing the Gap
Students in this activity will review three sample applications, deciding which one will be selected by a mock committee. Along the way, students will learn ways they can best highlight…
Rethinking Failure
Students in this engaging activity will learn how failure is a critical step along the pathway to accomplishing goals and achieving growth. Through hands-on activities and active reflection, students will…