Educator Module
30 - 45 minutes

(Re)Defining STEM

  • Professional Development


The STEM education movement has been around for decades, yet the needle has been slow to move, especially for students from underrepresented communities. We understand the challenge: prepare students to thrive in the current and future workforce, one that demands adaptability and expertise, and where STEM skills are prioritized. How can all educators help prepare students to succeed? How can we ensure STEM is more than just a buzzword? In this learning module, called (Re)Defining STEM, learn how to view STEM education with an updated lens, understand the principles for effective STEM teaching and learning, and come away with concrete strategies and activities that can transform student learning no matter the discipline.


  • Examine an updated definition of STEM 
  • Summarize key components of effective STEM education 
  • Interdisciplinary learning 
  • Design principles 
  • Real-world connections 
  • Skill-building 
  • Describe how your practice can elevate STEM teaching and learning 

Suggested Time

30 - 45 minutes