(Re)Defining Student Engagement


As educators, you know that student engagement is critical if they are expected to excel academically and socially. At times it can be easy to differentiate between students who are engaged and those who are disengaged. Oftentimes, though, the methods used to measure engagement fall short. How can we, as educators, move beyond superficial observations of students appearing “on task”? What if we looked at student engagement more holistically using an approach that also considers students’ emotional and cognitive needs in school or in the classroom? In this learning module, called (Re)Defining Student Engagement, learn why there are multiple dimensions to engagement, how increased engagement leads to student success, concrete strategies to improve engagement and how an equation can help you identify areas of growth in your own practice.


  • Define what it means for students to be engaged in their learning 
  • Articulate the benefits of improved engagement 
  • Articulate and define the three main dimensions of engagement 
  • Identify strategies for improving student engagement in each dimension 
  • Use a takeaway tool to accurately measure student engagement 

Suggested Time

30 - 45 minutes