Scholarship Case Study: Reducing the Gap


Scholarships are a powerful tool students can use to help ease their journey to higher education. Support your students through this critical aspect of the college application process. In this lesson, students take on the role of a scholarship selection committee to learn and apply best practices for applying to scholarships. By reviewing three sample applications, students determine what constitutes a “good application”, which of the three applicants they would admit, and how they can best highlight their achievements and unique experiences. The lesson includes a PowerPoint and prompts for educators, parents and administrators to promote individual and group discussion.

Critical Thinking


  • Identify different types of scholarships available 
  • Describe strategies to highlight unique talents, skills, abilities and experiences 
  • Analyze three sample applications based on scholarship criteria 
  • Discover tools to find scholarships that are a good fit 

Suggested Time

120-150 Minutes (2-3 class sessions)