My aha! moment

Mentor JuVan Langford shares a special tradition with his mentee.
Welcome the new class of cycle breakers!

Wheelock College hosts Tiger Woods Foundation’s new class of Earl Woods Scholars.
Congratulations to TWF scholar Taylor Compton!

Taylor will be attending top-ranked Albert Einstein College of Medicine this fall.
Anita refused to be deprived of her education

Tiger Woods Foundation scholar Anita Chheang has seen how difficult life can be without an education and refuses to let anything keep her from one.
It’s not a checkbook organization

Tiger Woods Foundation scholar Lenny Baez speaks at Deutsche Bank Championship’s Media Day on his journey from living in a tough neighborhood to becoming a first-generation college student.
Finding a groove, making moves

Summer Academy Day 2 is underway!
And they’re off! Summer Academy Day 1 kicks off

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed students had an exciting first day at the 2014 Tiger Woods Learning Center Summer Academy.
And that’s a wrap! The first-ever High School Summer Academy is one for the books

Students participated in everything from building structures of life-sized monuments to engineering golf clubs. They couldn’t wait to show off their handiwork to their families!
Asking for help solves 99 percent of your problems

Tiger Woods Foundation Scholar Zayrha on the benefits of simply asking for help.
Behind the scenes of an Earl Woods Scholar shoot

Take a peek inside the pre-college retreat.