Educator Module
30 - 45 minutes

Interdisciplinary Learning: Making Connections

  • Professional Development


For too long, students have learned in silos: an hour of language, followed by an hour of mathematics, followed by an hour of science and so forth. But this does not adequately prepare students for the demands of the modern workforce, which prioritizes transferrable skills and the ability to blend multiple disciplines to achieve results. What if our classrooms looked more like the real world? What if we, as educators, provided more opportunities for students to make connections across disciplines to enhance learning? In this learning module, called Interdisciplinary Learning: Making Connections, learn why interdisciplinary learning is critical for student success, learn strategies for effective implementation, meet a STEM professional who talks about the day-to-day interdisciplinary aspect of her job, and leave with an opportunity to create a concrete plan for incorporating interdisciplinary learning into your classroom.


  • Define interdisciplinary learning and its impact on preparing all students for success in the global workforce 
  • Understand how to transform a traditional lesson to an interdisciplinary model lesson 
  • Examine tools and methods to bring interdisciplinary learning into your classroom 

Suggested Time

30 - 45 minutes