In our latest Donor Spotlight feature, we hear from Matt Troka, senior vice president of product and partner management at CDW, a leading provider of technology solutions to business, government, education and healthcare. A FORTUNE 500 company, CDW has been a longtime advocate of the Tiger Woods Foundation, generously supporting our mission of helping students reach and surpass their goals and dreams.

In our latest Donor Spotlight feature, we hear from Matt Troka, senior vice president of product and partner management at CDW, a leading provider of technology solutions to business, government, education and healthcare. A FORTUNE 500 company, CDW has been a longtime advocate of the Tiger Woods Foundation, generously supporting our mission of helping students reach and surpass their goals and dreams.

Troka, a graduate of the University of Illinois with a B.S. in marketing and business administration, has been with CDW since 1992. His rise through the ranks of the organization truly exemplify the enterprising and ambitious spirit we strive to instill in our students and scholars. Learn more about Matt and what drives and guides him. 

How did you get involved with the Tiger Woods Foundation? 

CDW became the Official Technology Partner of the PGA Tour in 2008 — we were adding events to host our customers and partners, and we started to work with the team at the Quicken Loans National. As we learned more about the foundation, it became clear to us that shared goals would help us to create a great partnership. Over the years, this relationship has allowed us to cooperatively help extend the means of providing education and opportunities to many. The team at TWF have become true friends over the years, and it is a relationship I could not imagine us without. 

What’s the best advice you’ve received and given? 

A long time ago I was told “being positive can make all the difference in the world,” and to this day, I have found that no matter the situation — it always helps. When I talk to others, I have morphed that thought to include, “no matter what the situation, you always have options. You may not like them all, but you always have them.” It helps me remain level-headed when making tough decisions in the face of high emotion to make sure I have considered all the options. 

Tell us about someone or something that has inspired you greatly.  

My children. Watching Colin (12) and AJ (4) go through all their experiences in life with wonder and amazement has driven me to want to be the best person I can be to set the example for them and give them every opportunity possible. 

Describe yourself in 10 words or less. (Ex., biologist, father, friend, mentor, aspiring rock star).

Father, husband, friend, passionate, optimistic, enthusiastic.  

The following descriptors represent the traits our staff and scholars possess — traits we believe lead to success. Which trait do you identify with and why? 

Unlimited — people can do anything they put their minds to. The only thing that holds them back is the limits they set on themselves. The TWF staff and scholars have helped me learn even more that the world is limitless when you allow opportunity and drive to meet. 

Why did you choose your profession?

I enjoy technology, and this job (now career) gives me the chance to see all types of products that are available today as well as what is on the horizon. The constant change has made 24 years fly by, and I look forward to seeing what comes next! 

Champions of the unexpected. 

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