In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week we’re showing a little love to our exemplary team of educators—and sharing a few fun facts about them! Whether they’re teaching forensic science or biology to 5th graders, robotics, coding or video game design to middle schoolers, or guiding high school students through the college process, our educators are helping students grow their confidence and build a better future. We hope you’ll join us throughout the week as we honor our team for the life-changing work they do, each and every day!

Nick Novack, Senior Manager, Programs

In addition to teaching Marine and Forensic Science to our 5th graders that take part in the TGR Learning Lab day program, Nick teaches College Bound, Future Teachers of Tomorrow, Mad About Chem, Aquatic Adventures, STEM Studio, STEMulating Science 101 and DIY Chemistry.

Fun Fact: Nick plays in an adult soccer league with his friends on Sundays.

Denisse Jover, Senior Manager for the Earl Woods Scholar Program

Denisse works with our high school students and Earl Woods Scholars, coaching our young professionals on many topics ranging from financial aid to social media etiquette in the college application process.

Fun Fact: Denisse jumped into a 30-foot-deep natural pool in Lynn Canyon Park in Vancouver, British Columbia.  

Melisa San Agustin, Learning Facilitator

Throughout the years, Melisa has taught many classes, including: Pathways Lab, Wearable Electronics, The Red Plan, Alternative Energy, K’NEX Designs and Marine and Forensics Science.

Fun Fact: Melisa used to dance hula and even performed at halftime during a Harlem Globetrotters basketball game!

Lea Segura, Senior Program Manager for the Earl Woods Scholar Program

A longtime part the of TWF team, Lea recently joined the Earl Woods Scholar Program team where she oversees the mentor and career development components.

Fun fact: Lea is going to be an Auntie for the first time!!

Ashley Marinez, Learning Facilitator at the TGR Learning Lab in Anaheim, California

Along with teaching both Marine and Forensic Science classes, Ashley heads up our Hip Hop dance class, and teaches Communities of Tomorrow, Technology for Good and  Nutrition and Fitness.

Fun Fact: Ashley played college volleyball and was homecoming princess twice.

Alma Gutierrez, Program Coordinator for the Earl Woods Scholar Program

Working closely with the Earl Woods Scholars, Alma facilitates workshops and events for the college students who are part of the program. 

Fun Fact: Alma lived in Florence, Italy for five months and would travel to neighboring cities and countries on the weekend. And one more interesting fact—Alma attended the same high school as Tiger Woods. She even had some of his same teachers!

Doug Luong, Learning Facilitator at the TGR Learning Lab in Anaheim, California

Doug teaches some of our TGR Learning Lab students’ favorite courses—Video Game Design, Advanced Video Game Design, Graphic Design, NXT Robotics, Video Production, iProduction and professional development with the Raspberry Pi—along with Marine and Forensic Science.
Fun fact: Doug has hiked and climbed Half Dome at Yosemite Valley in Yosemite National Park, California, five times.

Betsy Peña, Program Coordinator for the Earl Woods Scholar Program

Betsy works closely with our high school Earl Woods Scholars in Orange County, helping them throughout the college application process as well as providing college access workshops to our TGR Learning Lab members. 

Fun Fact: Betsy will be travelling to London, Paris, Florence and Rome in Summer 2017.

 Stay tuned throughout the week for more posts highlighting the rest of our educators here at the Tiger Woods Foundation. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

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